Why a change of focus can be a powerful and successful tool.

How do we humans function? When do we get excited about something? How do we focus our attention, and how is it that we sometimes know exactly what we have to do without thinking about it?

We can achieve a lot by taking a holistic view that includes different aspects and perspectives. This way of analyzing and working helps us to recognize our patterns of behavior. Target groups can be addressed more directly and navigation is much easier for everyone.

With the right focus of our spotlight, we achieve more and put in scene what is important at the moment. Good, functional design might not even be noticed.

User Experience Design

As a user experience designer, I use different methods and processes that allow me to create a coherent overall picture for your digital product. One that works for your users, but also your business.

Design Sprint

4 days of workshop versus months of planning and development. With a Design Sprint, digital products are developed, tested or improved.


There are about 1.9 billion websites on the entire Internet. That's quite a lot, considering that we are about 5 billion Internet users worldwide. There is a lot that needs to be communicated and more and more tools that help us build a website. Among all these tools like custom-builds, WordPress and website builders I put my spotlight on Webflow.

Expert Reviews

With a holistic analysis of your digital product, many insights can be gained about the state of the product in a very short time. The audit helps answer questions like what are the problems and what can be done to improve? A defined evaluation scheme helps with prioritization, and recommendations for action support you to get started directly.

UX Writing

Even if we don't actively think about it anymore, we read constantly and everywhere. Everything that comes our way, should it contain letters, we read it. This is how we follow instructions and orient ourselves in the physical as well as the digital world. Precise language is therefore crucial to let readers/users understand where to do what.

About & Work

I'm a UX Designer, Webflow Web Designer, UX Writer with technical understanding in HTML, CSS and JavaScript and I use workshops to kickoff effective product development.

portrait cutout of Andrej Olsen thinking
